Friday, February 15, 2008


In English today we were given one line to write a poem from, that one line is, "The dog went to dancing school" and then told to write a poem in 8 minutes. My first instinct was to write a poem about how after dancing school the dog was forced to write a poem and then became a psycho killer dog that could have been a good dog had he not been forced to write a poem in 8 minutes, but I decided otherwise. . .

Now for my poem. . .

The dog went to dancing school
with his blind master
who was intent on learning the waltz.
Dancing is much harder
when you have six feet
to step on.

Pretty much I just took the normal aproach to poems. Write prose and hit enter whenever you feel like it.

I used my google skillz and looked up the actuall poem that she stole the first line from.

The dog went to dancing school. The dog's owner sniffed vials of Viennese air. One day the two heard the new Master of the Universe pass their door with a heavy step. After that, the man exchanged clothes with his dog. It was a dog on two legs, wearing a tuxedo, that they led to the edge of the common grave. As for the man, blind and deaf as he came to be, he still wags his tail at the approach of a stranger.

This guy is so lazy that he can't even hit the enter button at random points in his prose writing. This is supposedly 'prose poetry'. Doesn't that sort of counteract the two words? It's like saying that you know a person named Spencer who's smart. Or a person named Robert that is normal.

Give it a shot, write your poem tittled, "Untitled" (that's actually what the poet tittled his poem and so I decided to steal his title as well)

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