Monday, January 21, 2008

you and your skillz

I dont know how in the world you discover taco art but it is indeed a skill. and that website has now been added to my favorites :)

but on to ther fun news on this monday. I recieved a text message this morning that my friend we all know and love, ms jocelyn, has decided that today she is going to get another piercing. Well one might say, "Jocelyn you already have 7 ear peircings and your belly button, what next?" I know what youre thinking, why would anyone want to pierce anywhere else on their body, well there is one more 'popular' place for piercings...and yes it is where you think it is. the best part is that she invited me to go with her so i could watch. i passed on that amazing oppurtunity. it just makes me think about when you hear people say that they have that certain area pierced, wholesome girls dont exactly pop into your mind.

gotta love growing up in las vegas.

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