Tuesday, January 22, 2008

goodness gracious

Man o Man, it has only been the first day and I have already heard my fair share of crazy! Why is it that people sitting in the desks in class feel the need to talk more than the teacher and about topics that have nothing to do with what we are learning! I paid to hear the teacher talk, not you. I dont acer that your plant died while you were out of town or that you flooded your backyard one summer and had slip and slide contests. I dont know what that had to do with biology, but maybe they had those crazy adam brain connections that we couldnt see but still it is just crazy.

Oh get this, they replaced all the computers in the computer lab, where did all the perfectly good other ones go? and why cant one be in my house? oh in other interesting news, I signed up for institute classes because BYU has the lovely insitute recommend too so I figured I should take the classes too :) I have had a busy morning

Gotta go to work, talk to you later!

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