Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hey Ya!

WARNING: Alicia, I just told my parents that I'd be comign over to watch a show and my mom has changed her mind about you. You are now back on the 'I think she has feelings for you' list. You've dropped back to your old location where she thinks that you're trying to steal me away instead of trying to just hang out with me because you're my pity friend.

Edit: This just in: "Just beware that she really likes you" -mom
directly followed by my dad- "Alot"

They then tag teamed on me and started asking if I was 'serious' with you, and how that girls are different than boys and that I need to be careful around you because you're just trying to get married, loose your life, and have millions of kids.

Well, maybe not that last part, but you get the drift of it.

Just thought you'd like to know.

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