Ecthlipsis7: btw, i want to eventually hear how you made that fire poi
Adrillf: I bought them off of home of poi
Ecthlipsis7: oh =\
Ecthlipsis7: btw, did you get my msg about stalls?
Adrillf: yes
Ecthlipsis7: and?
Adrillf: did you gett my response?
Ecthlipsis7: no sire.
Ecthlipsis7: sir* even
Ecthlipsis7: but sire works surprisingly lol
Adrillf: I'm about a big of fan of stalls that I am of string manips
Adrillf: I can do the basics, but past that I don't waste my time learning them
Adrillf: I just have this thing that I'm spinning things so I'm going to keep spinning them, I don't like stalls because it stops the flow of things
Ecthlipsis7: exactly why it looks cool
Ecthlipsis7: going from like 400rpms to stall is like... whoa.. what th hell
Ecthlipsis7: do what you want, but you're kinda outta wraps and shit to learn lol
Adrillf: To each their own, I understand why it'd be impressive, I just don't like them
Ecthlipsis7: you've kinda mastered wraps, tosses, color switches..
Adrillf: me? out of stuff to learn? never
Ecthlipsis7: no, but in that field you are
Adrillf: no I'm not
Adrillf: there's so much that I have to learn
Ecthlipsis7: no? go on..
Ecthlipsis7: like?
Adrillf: I'm learing some more double color switches where both switch at the exact same time
Adrillf: contact poi with more than just my left hand spiraling in and out
Ecthlipsis7: let me rephrase...
Adrillf: duo wraps with both strings at the same time
Adrillf: tosses from different angles
Ecthlipsis7: i think your style would benefit more from adding in some other things
Ecthlipsis7: rather then just using increased difficulty versions of things u know
Adrillf: And I think my style is mine and I like adding what I like
Ecthlipsis7: rofl... touche
Ecthlipsis7: not like im in a place to give you advice anyway.
Adrillf: why add something that I don't like and call it my style? If I add in something else of someone elses' just becasue, then I'm just using their style.
Ecthlipsis7: i suppose that's true.
Adrillf: It's no longer my style, but someone elses that I'm simply borrowing
Ecthlipsis7: not like your style needs a change, btw
Ecthlipsis7: you aren't my fav stringer for no reason
Ecthlipsis7: guess it was just something i'd like to see you add.. but that is certainly no reason to do so
Adrillf: It might change, it might not, my style is simply whatever I feel like doing at that moment. Somedays it's heavy in poi, some times I actually try to play around with string manips, it just depends on what I feel like doing. In another two years, my spinning could look completly different than what it looks like now
Ecthlipsis7: always possible
Ecthlipsis7: be cool to see what string manips you came up with
Ecthlipsis7: cleric is insane with those..
Ecthlipsis7: i was really impressed
Adrillf: Because that's his thing, that's his style
Ecthlipsis7: yup
Adrillf: My manips are simple and basic at best
Ecthlipsis7: is he awesome at wraps and poi stuff too?
Ecthlipsis7: or does he stick mostly to string manips
Adrillf: In my farewell video you see one of my only manips that I have, I only have one other manip
Ecthlipsis7: i think they look awesome, but they aren't terribly my style either
Ecthlipsis7: ill make or borrow a few im sure..
Adrillf: he does technical poi, and a bit of wraps as well, but if you want the wrap comboist, stick with people like Wes, Myron, and a few others
Ecthlipsis7: i like to be ecclectic
Ecthlipsis7: but.. that's about it
Ecthlipsis7: im getting sun wraps btw
Ecthlipsis7: they're just slow
Adrillf: That's the thing, I know how to do everything. If you ask me to do 7 beat, I can. I can do thumb spilts, I can do all of that stuff, it's just I don't like it, so I don't use it
Ecthlipsis7: ya, and that;'s cool
Ecthlipsis7: as long as you could if you wanted, then it's cool
Adrillf: things like straight jackets, I can offically do, but you'll never see me do it, because I think you look like a retard when you do
Ecthlipsis7: kinda like a good writing breaking a rule
Ecthlipsis7: i think it looks impressive, simply because it looks hard
Ecthlipsis7: but not my fav move
Adrillf: by the way, if you're going to learn it, try it with handles, it's a whole lot easier with the extra 6 inches of reach
Ecthlipsis7: i only use handles
Ecthlipsis7: i can use either, but i only do use handles
Ecthlipsis7: btw, i learned that a double neck wrap is going to be my closer for almost everything
Ecthlipsis7: meaning once im done "performing" or whatever the hell u want to say
Ecthlipsis7: i just want to double neck wrap and let em hang
Ecthlipsis7: that's the way i carry my strings anyway eheh
Ecthlipsis7: until i can do a dual neck toss that is hehe
Ecthlipsis7: i have a feeling that might be... a few years though
Adrillf: neck toss? now that'd be interesting to see
Ecthlipsis7: ya, picture the closing
Ecthlipsis7: just toss both in the air
Ecthlipsis7: have em both land on the neck
Ecthlipsis7: and walk away
Ecthlipsis7: it's perfect =)
Adrillf: oh, catching them on your neck, I thought you were tossing them from your neck
Adrillf: less difficult, yet still insane
Ecthlipsis7: oh... haha
Ecthlipsis7: you should do both
Ecthlipsis7: any suggestions i make are yours to try out of course
Adrillf: catching I can imagine, I can't imagine tossing from your neck
Ecthlipsis7: i can...
Ecthlipsis7: sec.
Ecthlipsis7: hmm... from a neck trace works so far.
Ecthlipsis7: another sec
Ecthlipsis7: best i can manage is a weird color switch
Ecthlipsis7: hit the stick off the back of the neck and catch it again
Ecthlipsis7: ya, i dunno how to toss from the neck, literally speaking
Adrillf: all the more power to you if you can come up with it
Ecthlipsis7: you're in a much better spot to do such a thing ehe
Ecthlipsis7: hell, i'd be thrilled if i came up with something new for you to do
Adrillf: give it a month, maybe two, and you'll get me out of my seat at the speed you're going
Ecthlipsis7: thanks, that means a lot
Ecthlipsis7: i know this is hard for you to picture, but you're like a celebrity to me haha
Adrillf: it's the truth, sometimes we're our bigest critics, we put the people we admire on a pedastool and we think that we're never able to get to that level
Ecthlipsis7: which is especially funny because i don't give a shit about celebs
Ecthlipsis7: no, my goal is to get to your level
Ecthlipsis7: but im not a fool
Ecthlipsis7: it will take many years
Adrillf: You'll get there faster than what you think.
Adrillf: It's a whole lot easier when you're following people, it's difficult when you're trying to make your own trail
Ecthlipsis7: but that's probably why you have such a cool style
Ecthlipsis7: so there's pro's and cons to both
Ecthlipsis7: i expect to be a bit of an Adrillf clone for a while
Ecthlipsis7: but that's fine
Ecthlipsis7: then i'll have the tools to really make my own style
Ecthlipsis7: besides, you should be happy you have an apprentice =)
Adrillf: Just more weirded out. Happy, sort of, freaked out beyond all belief, yes
Adrillf: That's why I'm trying to get you to start stalking some of the people I stalked so I won't have to worry about you.
Adrillf: speaking of that, have you seen the UT compilation?
Ecthlipsis7: rofl, that was a bit offensive
Ecthlipsis7: stalking? =X
Ecthlipsis7: im a big fan, yes, but seriously, if you feel that way i'll leave you along lol
Ecthlipsis7: alone* even
Adrillf: we've never met in real life, you PM me, you know my name, and yet we still don't know each other. Stalking is the best word for it. It's not in negative connotation, it just describes it in the best way.
Ecthlipsis7: well, regardless of if you say it's not a negative cannotation, I'm not thrilled by that in the least.
Ecthlipsis7: stalking is impossible to be a positive verb to me.
Ecthlipsis7: that said, i simply considered you an online friend =\
Adrillf: Okay, not stalker, an active member of the Adrillf fan club
Ecthlipsis7: lol, i appreciate the notion, but i'm still not cool with it
Ecthlipsis7: so i'm sorry that i've been buggin' ya.
Adrillf: No worries, if I didn't want people to get in touch with me, I wouldn't sign on to AIM or give out ways to get in touch with me
Ecthlipsis7: true, but you did make things rather clear a minute ago, regardless of what you might say following.
Ecthlipsis7: so i'll leave ya be, and if you want to be friends the ball is in your court
Ecthlipsis7: i'm gonna stop buggin ya
Adrillf: I'm okay with it, I'm just saying it's a little weird to get use to
Ecthlipsis7: hmm..
Ecthlipsis7: definine "it" if you would plz?
Adrillf: think about it, if some random person just pops up and starts calling you king, it's sort of difficult to wrap your head around
Ecthlipsis7: perhaps, but only because you're overly humble
Ecthlipsis7: you are the king of handles... so be it
Ecthlipsis7: i used to have many fans... back in my music making days hehe
Adrillf: I'm okay with the random chats, I'm not okay with the sudden celeberty that I've become, it still sits weird with me just because I know that there are people MUCH better than me out there.
Ecthlipsis7: that's an opinion, and one that isn't yours to make for others
Ecthlipsis7: if i say you're the best, then you are the best to me
Ecthlipsis7: so.. =P
Adrillf: but that's the thing, when you're doing music or performing, you do it for getting the fans, the fame, the glory. A few people do it here and there for just the love of the music, but most do it for the fame.
Adrillf: While glowsticking is more for me, just for what I enjoy. I do it because I like it, and it's more for my personal entertainment.
Ecthlipsis7: yes, and it shows.
Ecthlipsis7: doesn't mean u need to get creeped out because people start recognizing your skill..
Adrillf: So for me putting out videos is really hard. I still don't like doing it. Having people look at anything that I do is really wierd, and I could live my life happy without ever hearing a single comment about my stringing.
Ecthlipsis7: Well, that's your perogitive I suppose
Ecthlipsis7: but it does seem a bit...
Ecthlipsis7: what's the word...
Ecthlipsis7: off.
Adrillf: The creeped out part comes from when it goes from simply, "you're good" that I can accept, I'm better than the average Joe, that's sort of obvious, but I'm the best??????
Adrillf: The best thing throws me
Ecthlipsis7: well let me phrase this a different way
Ecthlipsis7: i know you view poi as a true ar
Ecthlipsis7: art*
Adrillf: same with glowsticking.... different sorts of art that can help each other
Ecthlipsis7: that said, picture if other artists that painted because they loved it never showed their paingtings to anyone.
Ecthlipsis7: or musicians made music because they loved it but never shared it...
Adrillf: Emily Dickonson quickly comes to mind, she wanted all of her poems and writings burnt when she died.
Ecthlipsis7: doesn't that seem... weird?
Ecthlipsis7: and what would have happened if they were?
Adrillf: I personally agree with her wishes and want to burn all of her writings, but that's a different subject
Ecthlipsis7: i see..
Adrillf: I don't like dickonson
Adrillf: Me and her have a bad relatinoship with each other.
Ecthlipsis7: i don't either, personally, but a lot of people love her
Ecthlipsis7: fine, take someone u do like
Ecthlipsis7: Salinger?
Ecthlipsis7: whoever...
Ecthlipsis7: don't deprive the world of your art bro
Ecthlipsis7: just don't let it go to your head and you're fine
Ecthlipsis7: luckily, the art is so UG that it isn't likely to happen
Adrillf: that's why I'm willing to take one for the team and put out a video every now and again, I'm willing to share and help other people expand their ideas, but to me that's all my videos are, to help other people come up with new ideas or to explain what I've been playing around with
Adrillf: It's hard to describe a new move that you've come up with, and that's where videos help, that's where i think that videos should be used
Adrillf: For me, the videos I put out are more for helping other people out, not just showing off what I'm doing
Ecthlipsis7: obviously, and if you start releasing vids with the mindset "I'm gonna make a name for myself" then that's a problem
Ecthlipsis7: but u aren't, we know that...
Ecthlipsis7: so... grow up and accept it lol
Adrillf: I'll be back in a few, I've got to figgure out where I"m staying for my apartment tommorow, write what you want, I'll read it when I get back and then we can continue this later
Ecthlipsis7: np.
Ecthlipsis7: Well I really don't have much else to say.... I just wish you wouldn't assume that because you have fans there is a problem, or be weirded out, or whatever.
Ecthlipsis7: it comes with the territory of being one of the best... so...
Ecthlipsis7: maybe try being grateful for your fans and not calling them stalkers
Ecthlipsis7: I'll ttyl/
Ecthlipsis7 signed off at 8:21:21 PM.
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Adrillf: Okay, given, stalkers wasn't the best word for people like Icy, Ange, you, Pheonix and others. Fans just mean that I'm doing something right, more than right, it means that I'm doing something greater than others. Which means that I'm suposedly one of the best. Normal people don't get fans. I don't see myself as one of the best. My spinning is far from perfect, most of my style comes from my laziness, and well.... there's better out there.
Adrillf: For me it's a weird thing to get compared with people that I use to be fans of. To hear my name along with Kael, Myron, and others boggles my mind because I still don't measure up to them. It's just weird for me. I'm always open for talking about stringing, helping people out, and even just chatting, but it just gets weird for me when people start claiming I'm at that crazy OG level. I'll try to roll with it, accept what I'm given, it's still just weird to have others say those things about me.
Adrillf: Need help with a combo, a move, an idea, gs.c, or anything? I'll be more than willing to chat. Want to talk about how great I am? That's when I start trying to get your attention elsewhere.
Monday, February 25, 2008
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