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DariasClone13 (8:34:42 PM): I mean, I know you used to play and may still play I figured you might like it
DariasClone13 (8:35:15 PM): there's a new rock cello band called Cellofourte
DariasClone13 (8:35:20 PM): have you heard of them?
Adrillf (8:35:30 PM): odly enough, yes
DariasClone13 (8:36:14 PM): I just attended a concert they played on our campus yesterday
DariasClone13 (8:36:17 PM): bought a CD
DariasClone13 (8:36:36 PM): they're really nice and I love the cello
DariasClone13 (8:37:16 PM): what do you think of them?
Adrillf (8:37:53 PM): they're okay
DariasClone13 (8:38:28 PM): would you ever consider playing rock cello?
Adrillf (8:38:43 PM): rock isn't really my thing
Adrillf (8:38:43 PM): so no
DariasClone13 (8:39:15 PM): what kind of music do you like then, if you don't like rock?
Adrillf (8:39:45 PM): happy hardcore
Adrillf (8:40:22 PM):
DariasClone13 (8:40:29 PM): oh
DariasClone13 (8:42:57 PM): this reminds me of DJ Sammy's that song
Adrillf (8:43:11 PM): same idea.... just not 9 years old
DariasClone13 (8:44:00 PM): do you like newer music better than old music?
Adrillf (8:44:26 PM): yes
DariasClone13 (8:49:27 PM): in all musical genres?
Adrillf (8:50:25 PM): except for clasical music and older genres
DariasClone13 (8:52:32 PM): I like the instrumental aspects of the newer music a lot, but I find that a few artists have less than ideal moral messages
DariasClone13 (8:53:10 PM): one can definitely dance to the music, yes
DariasClone13 (8:53:26 PM): would I want any of my offspring listening to it, probably not
DariasClone13 (8:53:59 PM): some of the music out there is really dirty
DariasClone13 (8:55:32 PM): I like this happy hardcore's nice
DariasClone13 (8:55:45 PM): it makes me smile
Adrillf (8:56:06 PM): hence the name HAPPY hardcore
DariasClone13 (8:56:19 PM): I knew you'd say that
DariasClone13 (8:59:07 PM): does the repetivity ever bother you?
Adrillf (8:59:21 PM): it's not as repetitive as everyone thinks
Adrillf (8:59:27 PM): it just depends on the DJ and the song
DariasClone13 (8:59:43 PM): makes sense
DariasClone13 (9:02:46 PM): very energetic music
DariasClone13 (9:03:02 PM): you could definitely do a workout in the gym to it
DariasClone13 (9:03:22 PM): hence hardcore
Adrillf (9:04:01 PM): no, hardcore because of the genre called Hardcore it's a lot darker and heavier
Adrillf (9:04:14 PM): it runs at about 180 bpm and isn't exactly happy
DariasClone13 (9:05:04 PM): I can't understand dark stuff....and if I can't understand what they are saying, then what is the point in listening
Adrillf (9:05:19 PM): it's understandable, it's just heavy
DariasClone13 (9:09:09 PM): do you like mushrooms?
Adrillf (9:09:41 PM): yes
DariasClone13 (9:10:08 PM): my friend is growing portibello mushrooms in her apartment
DariasClone13 (9:10:43 PM): she cooked me dinner tonight....portibello mushrooms in alfredo sauce on was great
DariasClone13 (9:11:39 PM): I don't like mushrooms, but I told her I wanted to try her mushrooms....I'd never had portibellos before
DariasClone13 (9:12:22 PM): I've got this "don't knock it until you've tried it" attitude
DariasClone13 (9:13:36 PM): I was surprised...I figured she was going to be cooking them up anyway, since another one of our friends loves portibellos...but she said that the whole reason she had the dinner was b/c I said I wanted to try them
DariasClone13 (9:14:05 PM): it made me feel special
DariasClone13 (9:14:55 PM): the last 2 times she's made dinner for me...she made alaskan halibut and some sort of salmon
DariasClone13 (9:15:39 PM): I didn't like fish, but I liked the fish she cooked b/c of how she cooked it
DariasClone13 (9:17:14 PM): I think if a person cooks a dish right, it can change a person's perspective
DariasClone13 (9:18:49 PM): it's like reading a book with a new makes you think and wonder if they way you thought before was really the best way of thinking for you or if you were close-minded before having thought about it in a new way
DariasClone13 (9:19:43 PM): do you like to try new food?
Adrillf (9:19:51 PM): I'm always game for new food
DariasClone13 (9:20:26 PM): me too....I always go to the International Cookoff events that are thrown around campus
DariasClone13 (9:20:51 PM): do you have a favorite food?
Adrillf (9:21:01 PM): anything that's edible
DariasClone13 (9:21:12 PM): haha
DariasClone13 (9:21:42 PM): what is your stance on tomatoes? I find that a lot of my friends don't like them.
Adrillf (9:23:06 PM): I use to not like them, but now I do
DariasClone13 (9:23:46 PM): wow...that's interesting. how did that come about?
Adrillf (9:24:56 PM): I was at work, and we'd always eat subs, I got too tired of saying 'no tomatoes' so I learned how to like them
DariasClone13 (9:25:28 PM): haha
DariasClone13 (9:26:03 PM): have you ever had homegrown tomatoes?
Adrillf (9:26:38 PM): yes
DariasClone13 (9:27:00 PM): I love homegrown tomatoes....they're amazing
DariasClone13 (9:27:11 PM): before braces, I used to eat them like apples
DariasClone13 (9:28:20 PM): I can't wait to be able to do that again....once the braces are over with.
DariasClone13 (9:29:55 PM): how long did you have braces?
Adrillf (9:30:03 PM): 2 years
DariasClone13 (9:31:24 PM): a lot of people who had them tell me that they don't wear their you wear yours?
Adrillf (9:32:20 PM): mine hasn't fit me sience 9th grade, and I haven't gotten a new one
DariasClone13 (9:32:58 PM): it happens
DariasClone13 (9:34:36 PM): I think I prefer blue ink over black ink in pens. Do you have a preference?
Adrillf (9:34:46 PM): black for me
DariasClone13 (9:35:07 PM): I kind of figured you'd like black.
DariasClone13 (9:36:00 PM): not really sure why
DariasClone13 (9:36:57 PM): what about with crayola markers...the fat ones or the thin ones?
Adrillf (9:37:56 PM): fat
DariasClone13 (9:38:22 PM): I figured you'd like those better, too
DariasClone13 (9:39:09 PM): I like using the thin ones better....but I used to play with the fat crayola markers like they were dolls
DariasClone13 (9:39:55 PM): they were an 8-marker member circus soap opera
DariasClone13 (9:40:19 PM): there were 4 couples
DariasClone13 (9:40:49 PM): the main plot was the guy markers would fight with each other over the women
DariasClone13 (9:42:01 PM): the markers were in a circus....b/c you can spin the markers like they were doing flips and you can connect the markers together on the bottoms and tops to make them into slilts
DariasClone13 (9:42:09 PM): stilts*
DariasClone13 (9:42:42 PM): you can also turn the markers to have them touch as if they were kissing
DariasClone13 (9:42:51 PM): I was a creative child
DariasClone13 (9:44:02 PM): I don't think other people would have thought to do that with markers....then again, I was told I used to do this doll thing with utensils too
DariasClone13 (9:45:03 PM): did you ever play with strange objects when you were a child?
Adrillf (9:45:32 PM): you're talking to the kid that juggles, spins fire and spins glowsticks
DariasClone13 (9:45:49 PM): haha
DariasClone13 (9:45:56 PM): true
DariasClone13 (9:45:58 PM): good point
DariasClone13 (9:46:50 PM): my little brother can juggle
DariasClone13 (9:46:59 PM): he can whistle most any song too
DariasClone13 (9:47:11 PM): he's got amazing talents
DariasClone13 (9:47:19 PM): my other brother can ride a unicycle
DariasClone13 (9:47:35 PM): and can do backflips on the trampoline
DariasClone13 (9:48:59 PM): what got you into juggling and stick spinning?
Adrillf (9:49:34 PM): I got borred
DariasClone13 (9:49:50 PM): haha
DariasClone13 (9:50:40 PM): I think I recall having the conversation about boredom with you in high school.....I recall telling you that I think being bored is the worst thing in the world
DariasClone13 (9:51:44 PM): these days I keep thinking to myself, "I hate stupid people", b/c the underclassmen are really stupid most of the time
DariasClone13 (9:53:03 PM): my friends have mentioned to me that they think stupid people should have a sign above them saying stupid as a warning
DariasClone13 (9:53:35 PM): oftentimes, I find that I can have an intelligent conversation with most people if I get them on the right topic
Adrillf (9:53:52 PM): the key is finding that topic
DariasClone13 (9:54:22 PM): sometimes, it is something really obscure
DariasClone13 (9:54:41 PM): one girl I know is very informed on cloud seeding and tornadoes
DariasClone13 (9:55:03 PM): but she's quite dumb on other topics
DariasClone13 (9:55:44 PM): unfortunately, she's also very informed on nuclear weapons...which the others of us thinks is disturbing
DariasClone13 (9:57:22 PM): do you know people who will start laughing mid-story a lot when discussing topics like nuclear weapons, bombs, et cetera? would you think that was disturbing?
Adrillf (9:57:36 PM): not realy
DariasClone13 (9:59:00 PM): even when that person was giving a presentation in class about them?
Adrillf (9:59:14 PM): still not too weird
DariasClone13 (9:59:47 PM): we were upset b/c she would laugh to the point that we couldn't understand what she was saying
DariasClone13 (10:00:04 PM): and that defeats the purpose of a presentation
Adrillf (10:00:25 PM): well that's more annoying, not disturbing
DariasClone13 (10:00:41 PM): indeed, you are right
DariasClone13 (10:01:20 PM): how's the weather where you are?
Adrillf (10:01:49 PM): cold
DariasClone13 (10:04:21 PM): it's cold here too
DariasClone13 (10:05:24 PM): are you voting in the upcoming election?
Adrillf (10:05:49 PM): yes
DariasClone13 (10:06:11 PM): who do you want to win the Presidential election?
Adrillf (10:06:50 PM): I haven't gotten too into this election so I'm not sure which one I want to win yet
DariasClone13 (10:07:14 PM): I'm not very informed on the platforms yet, either.
DariasClone13 (10:08:01 PM): my dad is really into politics though, so I figure he'll catch me up on it when I go home for that week of Spring Break this semester
DariasClone13 (10:08:45 PM): my parents went to the Nevada caucus here recently
DariasClone13 (10:09:05 PM): my dad is going to be a delegate
DariasClone13 (10:09:30 PM): he is in support of Hilary
DariasClone13 (10:11:00 PM): I've kind of been hoping she'd run for office for awhile...I kind of want her to win b/c I think she has the most experience....however, I don't know the platforms yet, so I am still open to changing my mind upon the gaining of more knowledge
DariasClone13 (10:11:46 PM): I'm not really sure that a woman could ever get elected president, though.
DariasClone13 (10:12:57 PM): I think the U.S. is somewhat close-minded on issues of equal-opportunity and the like.
DariasClone13 (10:14:54 PM): I'm doing my thesis on ethanol energy....very controversial topic.
DariasClone13 (10:16:31 PM): hey, did you ever go to any football games in high school?
Adrillf (10:16:49 PM): nope
DariasClone13 (10:17:38 PM): I guess that was a perk to being in orchestra.
DariasClone13 (10:18:27 PM): if I hadn't been in Marching Band, I wouldn't have gone to any either.
DariasClone13 (10:21:31 PM): now that you're back in the U.S., do you miss anything from Sweden?
Adrillf (10:23:07 PM): a few things like some of the food
DariasClone13 (10:23:31 PM): I knew you would say the food
DariasClone13 (10:24:41 PM): if you had to choose, what is the most important electronic device you use in your life?
Adrillf (10:25:39 PM): laptop
DariasClone13 (10:26:03 PM): other than laptop?
Adrillf (10:27:11 PM): computer
DariasClone13 (10:27:26 PM): haha, very funny
DariasClone13 (10:27:34 PM): other than computer?
Adrillf (10:28:03 PM): don't know, I don't think about stuff like that
DariasClone13 (10:30:19 PM): I used to think after my laptop, it was my graphing calculator....but when it went missing for like a day, I found that I didn't need it and I like to do the math out by hand or mentally I don't use my calculator as much anymore
DariasClone13 (10:30:50 PM): I found that my 2nd most valuable electronic possession was my watch
DariasClone13 (10:31:00 PM): I like knowing what time it is.
DariasClone13 (10:31:24 PM): laptop is, of course, no. 1
DariasClone13 (10:32:26 PM): but if I was stranded on a desert island....I'd want a watch that never ran out of power
DariasClone13 (10:33:10 PM): I mean, I suppose, I'd probably be able to make myself a sun dial instead with the sand and a I wouldn't need a watch
DariasClone13 (10:34:17 PM): so then, my favorite book could be the possession I get stranded with instead
DariasClone13 (10:34:43 PM): what possession would you want if you were stranded on a desert island?
Adrillf (10:34:54 PM): A satelite phone
DariasClone13 (10:35:02 PM): predictable
DariasClone13 (10:35:24 PM): one that you couldn't save you?
DariasClone13 (10:35:34 PM): one that couldn't save you?*
Adrillf (10:35:50 PM): Why would I want something that couldn't help me?
DariasClone13 (10:37:37 PM): if there was no way to get off the island, you might want something to keep you sane
DariasClone13 (10:38:16 PM): but you're would be dumb not to want something that could help you escape
DariasClone13 (10:39:28 PM): but I suppose I am not totally adverse to the idea of being stranded on a desert I'd rather have a possession that would help me pass the time in a more enjoyable manner
Adrillf (10:40:04 PM): like a yatch with a full staff and food on board
DariasClone13 (10:40:32 PM): lol
DariasClone13 (10:40:40 PM): you and food
Adrillf (10:41:05 PM): It's a deserted island, I don't want to die there
DariasClone13 (10:41:08 PM): you're silly
DariasClone13 (10:41:37 PM): I said desert island....I didn't say it was uninhabited
Adrillf (10:41:52 PM): deserted = no one lives there
DariasClone13 (10:42:48 PM): I never said it was deserted....I said it was a desert island....desert = arid region
DariasClone13 (10:45:02 PM): it could be like Robinson Crusoe...with a Friday just around the corner
DariasClone13 (10:45:09 PM): or a whole bunch of cannibals
DariasClone13 (10:45:48 PM): you could have a dinner party....or you could be invited and potentially be the dinner
DariasClone13 (10:47:10 PM): the excitement of being stranded on a desert island....that could be a great tourist hot spot on the other side of the island
DariasClone13 (10:47:39 PM): that would definitely be ironic
DariasClone13 (10:48:06 PM): did you ever see the movie Castaway?
Adrillf (10:48:54 PM): no
DariasClone13 (10:49:57 PM): have you seen any Tom Hanks movies? if any, which ones?
Adrillf (10:50:17 PM): I'm not that big of a movie goer, I haven't seen that many of any moves
Adrillf (10:50:21 PM): movies*
DariasClone13 (10:50:47 PM): do you have a favorite movie? what movie is your favorite, if any?
Adrillf (10:51:50 PM): secret window for various reasons
DariasClone13 (10:52:29 PM): do you want to explain those reasons? or would you rather keep those to yourself?
DariasClone13 (10:52:55 PM): I've never seen Secret Window.
DariasClone13 (11:16:25 PM): sorry I haven't been talking for a bit....been working on studying organic chemistry
DariasClone13 (11:16:34 PM): mechanisms, good times
DariasClone13 (11:21:13 PM): the question before....I hope it wasn't worded in a way that might imply that I would be angry if you wanted to keep those reasons to yourself....I was just asking, matter-of-factly, not b/c it would make me angry
Adrillf (11:21:51 PM): no, it's just I too am doing homework
DariasClone13 (11:22:09 PM): ahhh
DariasClone13 (11:22:26 PM): we could call it an evening, then
Adrillf (11:22:46 PM): okay
DariasClone13 (11:22:53 PM): catch you later
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
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