Friday, February 22, 2008


In English we were given an assignment to do in class. The first thing that we had to do was come up with a couplet (two lines of poetry) that had the same rhyme scheme and were both in iambic pentameter. Mine were....

To sound like Hallmark is our classroom goal. In reality, I only want to fold.

Not the best iambs, but it works, and then as for the pentameter thing.... I claim poet's licence and used a feminate syllable on the second line.... or something like that...... yeah.

Well, then she handed us a paper that was full of blanks, and we had to write a poem around those two lines acording to the pattern of this set up poem.

It's 6 stanzas, with 3 lines in the first 5 and 4 lines in the last stanza. The rhyme scheme in the first 4 stanzas is aba, and the last stanza is abaa. Now the fun part comes in that that couplet we wrote is meant to get coppied and pasted in random (a) sections which made it so we didn't have to come up with too much (or at least I thought it wasn't that much). We were given about 30mins and then told to get into groups of four and read our poems. In my group, I was the only one that finished the assignment, and thus I became "the strongest poem from the group" and had to turn my poem in.

Have no fear, I wrote it in my notes on my laptop, so now.... here is my poem, titled Hallmark.

To sound like Hallmark is our classroom goal,
to the delight of some and fear of others.
In reality, I only want to fold.

The teacher says that you mustn’t be bold
But me, myself, I only want my mother.
To sound like Hallmark is our classroom goal.

Some write about their left eye, and a mole
on top of the right leg of their brother.
In reality, I only want to fold.

Some talk about the meaning of their soul.
Some describe what is under the covers.
To sound like Hallmark is our classroom goal.

Most students think that this is rather dull,
while the hearts of others begin to flutter.
In reality, I only want to fold.

My knowledge is still lacking. I’m not full
of poetry knowledge like no other.
To sound like Hallmark is our classroom goal,
In reality, I only want to fold.

There we have it, my poem. Not too shabby eh? I just might have a future in this little world we call poetry. Speaking of calling.... CALL ME AS SOON AS YOU GET OUT! Punk.

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