In true form, and in all of my blogs, I type while my roomate is on his phone talking about or with his girlfriend, today's topic is him talking about his girlfriend TO HIS MOM!!!
"She's really cute and she's tall. . . "
Aparently her name is Elise, and she can always find the good in people, how that she's not critical. (He said that she's kind and not critical about 5 times, each time stressing it a bit more, I think he was trying to hint towards me who was sitting right there in the room, but I'll just assume that he wasn't).
He just asked his mom, "How late have you ever stayed up?" and then quickly followed up with a "So what sort of games do you play that late at night?"
The more I listen the more I hope that this isn't his mom, but the only problem is, is that he doesn't have any other female people in his life besides his mom and then his girlfriend. So how would that work out? It's just a little interesting because he talks to his mom NOT like his mom, it's more like a friend, and they seem to talk about WHATEVER. It's just a little weird.
By the way, he left his WelsFargo bank account on his computer (they're currently discussing it right now and he's trying to figgure out all of his expences) and if he ever says that he's broke or even close to broke, I'll hurt him. . .
"I LOVE YOU. It's so nice to hear your voice. And tell Dad that I love him too, and give him a kiss if you want from me as well. . ."
Back to the rant about his bank acount. I looked on his screen while he was out of the room, he has over 3,000 in savings alone. I think the total that I saw with checking and savings was about 5,000. If he EVER says that he's broke, he's going to die. This kid doesn't know what it means when referencing 'broke'.
Now onto that little quote of his about kissing his dad and how much he loves his mom. I'm not one to judge, but that's just a little too much. That kid needs some help.
"I went out on a date with Elise last night, and that was . . . really nice, REALLY nice"
Now he's talking to his older sister by the way, but still that's a little disturbing having a discussion with your sister about the date that you went on.
"And then we went over to her house and just talked and then *mufled noise/sigh* . . . yeah"
"we try to only get together only a few times a week otherwise I'll think about her all the time. I already think about her enough, so if we saw each other any more, I wouldn't be able to do any school work"
"did you like her though when she came to the family party?" WHAT YOU ALREADY SHOWED HER OFF TO THE FAMILY!?!?!?!? Now that's a little too much. I feel a little sorry for this girl. I almost want to sit her down and give her a good warning. She really does need to spend some time with Robert or else she's going to hate her life real soon. That's the danger to all of this. If Robert pushes things really fast, he could get married without the girl ever knowing that he's a complete idiot. THIS is why people should wait some good time between meeting a person and getting engaged, so you can find out if they're idiots or not. Given, that there is such a thing as too long, however, the problem comes when people meet each other, date a few times each week and never really interact with each other, and then get married. This is a problem because while dating guys are on their best behaviors and girls are also really playing nice and everyone gets false perceptions about the other person. This leads to what Robert's girlfriend is currently going to have to deal with.
Poor Elise, I feel sorry for her, even though I've never met the woman.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
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