Aparently, when guys who haven't seen each other in two years, who hardly even hung out during their time together (which was two years ago) see each other for the first time in TWO YEARS they like to hang out, talk about the 'good old days' (which never quite happened because we never were even in the same room together for more than an hour), and give really strange awkward man-hugs to each other.
Really, I could have gone without today. Today was fun filled with people from my freshman wrad (Which I never hung out with or even tried to socialize with) saying things like, "Uh. . . hi. . (trying to find my name in the back of their heads and not finding it) it's been a long time. How are you doing?"
I swear, I'm punching the next guy that tries to give me a hug and act like we were best friends. I'm okay with random strangers giving me hugs, I hang out with hippies from time to time, so that doesn't bother me too much. It's the awkward hugs plus the fact that they try to act as if we know each other. Yeah, sure, I lived on the same floor as them freshman year, but past that, we never even talked to each other, let alone get to know each other.
It's just a little frustrating that people that I hardly know ate up quite a bit of time today. It still boggles my mind why people would even be willing to do that. Talk to a person that they hardly knew from two years ago, and act as if it was only a few months sience we last saw each other and hung out.
BYU is a crazy little world.
In funny news and anouncements, Robert started to ask me all of the 'trying to start a conversation' questions today, and as always, I sort of blew him off. He tried to ask me things like, "What was the best part of your Christmas break? Did anything cool happen to you during Christmas break?" and then he even threw out the desperate messure to go as far as, "Is there anything that you want to talk about from your Christmas break?"
No Robert. Not really. At least not with you.
I'd almost be tempted to talk to the kid because he's trying so hard, the only problem is that I know that if I gave it a shot, I'd quickly regret my decision to be nice. It's true, the kid is trying, and ever so slowly he is changing (tonight he stayed up late, he went to sleep at 11:30). However, just from the simple reaction that he had when he asked me about the best part of my break and I said "the past week" he followed up with the obvious question of "why?" and I gave the obvious response of, "because I didn't have to be with my family" and then he laughed at me as if that was one of the best jokes that he had ever heard.
If he can't accept simple things like I just don't get along at all with my parents, and not comprehend that, there's not a chance that I'm letting him into things with my life that actually take some brain processing. He just thinks that I'm being funny when I talk about how much I don't get along with my parents, he didn't even hint towards me being serious when I said that.
I think that might be the problem. The kid always thinks that I'm joking around, just because my life is almost completly opposite of his. I had to fight to be here, I have to pay my own way, I don't like my family, I didn't live in Utah, I don't have mormon friends, I am the minority when I go home, and in general, I go against everything that he so pasionatly holds close to him, so he thinks that it's a joke. When a person can't take you serious, there's no real point in even trying to have a conversation with them.
Side note: Today Robert was talking with some girls that were over at the apartment and he mentioned about how that I was a good writer. I mumbled under my breath that he hasn't read a single thing that I've written. He heard me mumble, asked me what I said, I said it louder, and he agreed saying that the only thing that he had read of mine was an essay of mine (keep in mind that this is the essay that he read behind my back) I simply mentioned that on that paper I got a C on that essay that he thought was so good and he pretty much said that, that just showed how much he didn't know about writing. So, let's get everything straight here. The kid says that I'm a good writer, but then turns around and says that he doesn't know what good writing is. Does anyone have a problem with that logic besides myself? Really, something seems wrong with that.
By the way, I didn't make it into that class, but hey, it was worth a shot.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
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