So, I'm trying to get som reading done, and this conversation inssues, notice how little talking I do. . .
DariasClone13: would you call yourself a serious person?
Adrillf: sure, why not?
DariasClone13: some people are just plain always seemed very stern/serious
DariasClone13: I'm a serious person, too.
DariasClone13: Though I have moments where I make silly remarks.
DariasClone13: the other day in O. Chem., the professor said the bromine leaves and takes both the electrons with it
DariasClone13: I said it sounds like the women in a divorce
DariasClone13: woman*
DariasClone13: deshielding and H NMR spectra....totally analogous to football...also mentioned that in class
DariasClone13: I figure you're still as funny as you were in high school...that pentagram away message is brilliant
Adrillf: thanks
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Reading For Reading Time. . .
Eric Eliason QuestionsGo to the web site indicated below and read Professor Eliason's article, and then answer one of the following questions:Web site: 1. Describe the character of J. Golden Kimball, as this article helps you to understand it.2. Choose one of the incidents from J. Golden Kimball's life that the article presents and explain how it is "transgressive" of generally-held Mormon values. Also answer this question: Why, then, is it engaging to Mormon readers?
one word...
wow for your amazing youtube skillz, and giving me something to do inbetween classes.
as for that last one, i couldnt stop laughing, i was trying so hard to be somewhat quite in the library but it wasnt working. oh man "we have shields, there nice, well there made of wood.." oh it was great!
wow for your amazing youtube skillz, and giving me something to do inbetween classes.
as for that last one, i couldnt stop laughing, i was trying so hard to be somewhat quite in the library but it wasnt working. oh man "we have shields, there nice, well there made of wood.." oh it was great!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Beggars Can Be Picky
Aparently, people that complain all the time about not having a girlfriend in their life and constantly moan about how annoying it is in the BYU culture with not having a significant other can be really quite picky when it comes down to picking even a simple contact in their life.
*Instant Replay From Earlier This Evening*
Adam: Hey Jordan, you should really give Wendy a call, she can't stop talking about you and Tiffany and Alicia are starting to get annoyed with it.
Josh: Oooo, it looks like someone likes you.
Jordan: I wish the feeling was mutual.
*end instant replay*
Really now, Jordan, not liking a person like Wendy? Something just seems a little off with that one. He tried to say that it was becasue she lived so far away but then Josh reminded him that he's trying to move down to Vegas once he graduates to work with a company down there, but even then Jordan wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of Wendy liking him. It just doesn't make sense.
*Instant Replay From Earlier This Evening*
Adam: Hey Jordan, you should really give Wendy a call, she can't stop talking about you and Tiffany and Alicia are starting to get annoyed with it.
Josh: Oooo, it looks like someone likes you.
Jordan: I wish the feeling was mutual.
*end instant replay*
Really now, Jordan, not liking a person like Wendy? Something just seems a little off with that one. He tried to say that it was becasue she lived so far away but then Josh reminded him that he's trying to move down to Vegas once he graduates to work with a company down there, but even then Jordan wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of Wendy liking him. It just doesn't make sense.
i have pictures
I am sitting in class being productive, i am uploading pictures :) yeah for this weekend and fun pictures!!! i have alot more but i chose some of my favorites, if you want any others, i'll put them up here. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
what idiots look like
made me think of you
i couldnt get the image saved on here because i am at work so you will have to settle with going to website.
The place that I want to work/study. . .
Just think about that on the resume, yeah I graduated with my PhD from the UofU. Oh, the University of Utah? No, the University of UPPSALA!!
Just think about that on the resume, yeah I graduated with my PhD from the UofU. Oh, the University of Utah? No, the University of UPPSALA!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
For Tiffany
She said that she had never seen this, we said that we were upset that we didn't have it on Fatkid, so here it is. . .
and then this was in the realted movies and it was a little interesting so I decided that you needed to see it as well. . .
I got really bored and did a 7 steps of Youtube with the Numa Numa song and it sends you to some interesting places, give it a shot, see where you end up. (hint the second video in this post is step three out of 7 my step seven was REALLY interesting with that start)
and then this was in the realted movies and it was a little interesting so I decided that you needed to see it as well. . .
I got really bored and did a 7 steps of Youtube with the Numa Numa song and it sends you to some interesting places, give it a shot, see where you end up. (hint the second video in this post is step three out of 7 my step seven was REALLY interesting with that start)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
DAFT PUNK! Technologic
It's a group I like, and I didn't know that they had a music video out for this song. It's a little weird, but still, a good song.
Friday's reading assignment.
Read the poems and then write a paragraph answering ONE of these questions:
1. Linda Gregerson is masterful in her use of the line. Look at the stanza form of one of the poems and explain how it affects the way you read the poem, that is, the way you accumulate knowledge and understanding as you go through the poem from one line to the next.
2. Choose one of the poems and explain the literal situation: what is going on? What part of the poem is about the speaker's thoughts and what is about the situation the speaker is a part of or is observing?The _New York Times Book Review_ said, "Gregerson's poems face the hard questions of living head-on." Choose one of the poems and explain which "hard questions of living" it represents.
Poems by Linda Gregerson
Over Easy
Cloud cover like a lid on.
Thwarted trees. And three more hours
of highway to be rid of. My darlings don’t want
a book on tape. They want
a little indie rock, they want to melt
the tweeters, they want
mama in the trunk so they can have some un-
remarked-on fun.
Fine. I’ve got my window, I can contemplate
the flatness of Ohio. I can think
about the ghastly things we’ve leached into
the topsoil, I can marvel that the
scabrous fields will still accept the plow. Except
some liquid thing is happening just behind
the trees, some narrow sub-
cutaneous infusion where
the darkening earth and darker strato-
cumulus have not yet sealed
their hold. A pooling
fed by needle drip: pellucid, orange,
a tincture I would almost call unnatural were
it not so plainly nature-
born. Till what had been a stricken contiguity
of winter-wasted
saplings starts to sharpen and distill, as though
a lens had been adjusted or a mind
had cleared. Our sorry dispersal,
the Bishop of Africa wrote
to his flock, but the voice of a child
recalled me. When the girls were small
we took them to an island once, the sun
above the sea, and with
the other paying customers we’d watch it set.
A yolk, I thought. The not-yet-
torn meniscus with its cunning corrective to
up and down. You’ve held
one in your palm no doubt: remember the weight?
Remember the lemony slickness we so oddly
called “the white” and how it drains
between your fingers? Not
in chambering and wantonness the sun would swell
nor strife and plumply flatten like
a yolk-in-hand. Would steep there in the salt-
besotted vapors till
we must have been watching an aftereffect,
so quickly did it vanish. Till
the whole of expectation, wrote the bishop—this
Ohio sky, the road, my noisy
darlings—is exhausted and—
now mandarin, madder—what was
the future—cinnabar, saffron, marigold,
quince—becomes the past.
Copper and ginger, the plentiful
mass of it bound, half loosed, and
bound again in lavish
disregard as though such heaping up
were a thing indifferent, surfeit from
the table of the gods, who do
not give a thought to fairness, no,
who throw their bounty in a single
lap. The chipped enamel—blue—on her hails.
The lashes sticky with sunlight. You would
swear she hadn’t a thought in her head
except for her buttermilk waffle and
its just proportion of jam. But while
she laughs and chews, half singing
with the lyrics on the radio, half
shrugging out of her bathrobe in the
kitchen warmth, she doesn’t quite
complete the last part, one of the
sleeves—as though, you’d swear, she
couldn’t be bothered—still covers
her arm. Which means you do not
see the cuts. Girls of an age—
fifteen for example—still bearing
the traces of when-they-were-
new, of when-the-breasts-had-not-
been-thought-of, when-the-troublesome-
cleft-was-smooth, are anchored
on a faultline, it’s a wonder they
survive at all. This ginger-haired
darling isn’t one of my own, if
own is ever the way to put it, but
I’ve known her since her heart could still
be seen at work beneath
the fontanelles. Her skin
was almost otherworldly, touch
so silken it seemed another kind
of sight, a subtler
boundary than obtains for all
the rest of us, though ordinary
mortals bear some remnant too,
consider the loved one’s fine-
grained inner arm. And so
it’s there, from wrist to
elbow, that she cuts. She takes
her scissors to that perfect page, she’s good,
she isn’t stupid, she can see that we
who are children of plenty have no
excuse for suffering we
should be ashamed and so she is
and so she has produced this many-
layered hieroglyphic, channels
raw, half healed, reopened
before the healing gains momentum, she
has taken for her copy-text the very
cogs and wheels of time. And as for
her other body, says the plainsong
on the morning news, the hole
in the ozone, the fish in the sea,
you were thinking what exactly? You
were thinking a comfortable
breakfast would help? I think
I thought we’d deal with that tomorrow.
Then you’ll have to think again.
Spring Snow
A kind of counter-
blossoming, diversionary,
doomed, and like
the needle with its drop
of blood a little
too transparently in
love with doom, takes
issue with the season: Not
(the serviceberry bright
with explanation) not
(the redbud unspooling
its silks) I know I’ve read
the book but not (the lilac,
the larch) quite yet, I still
have one more card to
play. Behold
a six-hour wonder: six
new inches bedecking the
railing, the bench, the top
of the circular table like
a risen cake. The saplings
made (who little thought
what beauty weighs) to bow
before their elders.
The moment bears more
than the usual signs of its own
demise, but isn’t that
the bravery? Built
on nothing but the self-
same knots of air
and ice. Already
the lip of it riddled
with flaws, a sort
of vascular lesion that
betokens—what? betokens
the gathering return
to elementals. (She
was frightened
for a minute, who had
planned to be so calm.)
A dripline scoring
the edge of the walk.
The cotton batting blown
against the scree begun
to pill and molt. (Who
clothed them out of
mercy in the skins
of beasts.) And even
as the last of the
lightness continues
to fall, the seepage
underneath has gained
momentum. (So that
there must have been a
death before
the death we call the
first or what became
of them, the ones
whose skins were taken.)
Now the more-
forward part, which must
have happened while I wasn’t
looking or was looking
at the skinning knives. I think
I’ll call this mercy too.
1. Linda Gregerson is masterful in her use of the line. Look at the stanza form of one of the poems and explain how it affects the way you read the poem, that is, the way you accumulate knowledge and understanding as you go through the poem from one line to the next.
2. Choose one of the poems and explain the literal situation: what is going on? What part of the poem is about the speaker's thoughts and what is about the situation the speaker is a part of or is observing?The _New York Times Book Review_ said, "Gregerson's poems face the hard questions of living head-on." Choose one of the poems and explain which "hard questions of living" it represents.
Poems by Linda Gregerson
Over Easy
Cloud cover like a lid on.
Thwarted trees. And three more hours
of highway to be rid of. My darlings don’t want
a book on tape. They want
a little indie rock, they want to melt
the tweeters, they want
mama in the trunk so they can have some un-
remarked-on fun.
Fine. I’ve got my window, I can contemplate
the flatness of Ohio. I can think
about the ghastly things we’ve leached into
the topsoil, I can marvel that the
scabrous fields will still accept the plow. Except
some liquid thing is happening just behind
the trees, some narrow sub-
cutaneous infusion where
the darkening earth and darker strato-
cumulus have not yet sealed
their hold. A pooling
fed by needle drip: pellucid, orange,
a tincture I would almost call unnatural were
it not so plainly nature-
born. Till what had been a stricken contiguity
of winter-wasted
saplings starts to sharpen and distill, as though
a lens had been adjusted or a mind
had cleared. Our sorry dispersal,
the Bishop of Africa wrote
to his flock, but the voice of a child
recalled me. When the girls were small
we took them to an island once, the sun
above the sea, and with
the other paying customers we’d watch it set.
A yolk, I thought. The not-yet-
torn meniscus with its cunning corrective to
up and down. You’ve held
one in your palm no doubt: remember the weight?
Remember the lemony slickness we so oddly
called “the white” and how it drains
between your fingers? Not
in chambering and wantonness the sun would swell
nor strife and plumply flatten like
a yolk-in-hand. Would steep there in the salt-
besotted vapors till
we must have been watching an aftereffect,
so quickly did it vanish. Till
the whole of expectation, wrote the bishop—this
Ohio sky, the road, my noisy
darlings—is exhausted and—
now mandarin, madder—what was
the future—cinnabar, saffron, marigold,
quince—becomes the past.
Copper and ginger, the plentiful
mass of it bound, half loosed, and
bound again in lavish
disregard as though such heaping up
were a thing indifferent, surfeit from
the table of the gods, who do
not give a thought to fairness, no,
who throw their bounty in a single
lap. The chipped enamel—blue—on her hails.
The lashes sticky with sunlight. You would
swear she hadn’t a thought in her head
except for her buttermilk waffle and
its just proportion of jam. But while
she laughs and chews, half singing
with the lyrics on the radio, half
shrugging out of her bathrobe in the
kitchen warmth, she doesn’t quite
complete the last part, one of the
sleeves—as though, you’d swear, she
couldn’t be bothered—still covers
her arm. Which means you do not
see the cuts. Girls of an age—
fifteen for example—still bearing
the traces of when-they-were-
new, of when-the-breasts-had-not-
been-thought-of, when-the-troublesome-
cleft-was-smooth, are anchored
on a faultline, it’s a wonder they
survive at all. This ginger-haired
darling isn’t one of my own, if
own is ever the way to put it, but
I’ve known her since her heart could still
be seen at work beneath
the fontanelles. Her skin
was almost otherworldly, touch
so silken it seemed another kind
of sight, a subtler
boundary than obtains for all
the rest of us, though ordinary
mortals bear some remnant too,
consider the loved one’s fine-
grained inner arm. And so
it’s there, from wrist to
elbow, that she cuts. She takes
her scissors to that perfect page, she’s good,
she isn’t stupid, she can see that we
who are children of plenty have no
excuse for suffering we
should be ashamed and so she is
and so she has produced this many-
layered hieroglyphic, channels
raw, half healed, reopened
before the healing gains momentum, she
has taken for her copy-text the very
cogs and wheels of time. And as for
her other body, says the plainsong
on the morning news, the hole
in the ozone, the fish in the sea,
you were thinking what exactly? You
were thinking a comfortable
breakfast would help? I think
I thought we’d deal with that tomorrow.
Then you’ll have to think again.
Spring Snow
A kind of counter-
blossoming, diversionary,
doomed, and like
the needle with its drop
of blood a little
too transparently in
love with doom, takes
issue with the season: Not
(the serviceberry bright
with explanation) not
(the redbud unspooling
its silks) I know I’ve read
the book but not (the lilac,
the larch) quite yet, I still
have one more card to
play. Behold
a six-hour wonder: six
new inches bedecking the
railing, the bench, the top
of the circular table like
a risen cake. The saplings
made (who little thought
what beauty weighs) to bow
before their elders.
The moment bears more
than the usual signs of its own
demise, but isn’t that
the bravery? Built
on nothing but the self-
same knots of air
and ice. Already
the lip of it riddled
with flaws, a sort
of vascular lesion that
betokens—what? betokens
the gathering return
to elementals. (She
was frightened
for a minute, who had
planned to be so calm.)
A dripline scoring
the edge of the walk.
The cotton batting blown
against the scree begun
to pill and molt. (Who
clothed them out of
mercy in the skins
of beasts.) And even
as the last of the
lightness continues
to fall, the seepage
underneath has gained
momentum. (So that
there must have been a
death before
the death we call the
first or what became
of them, the ones
whose skins were taken.)
Now the more-
forward part, which must
have happened while I wasn’t
looking or was looking
at the skinning knives. I think
I’ll call this mercy too.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I officially got accepted to UVSC.
so yay!!!!
and just because i have to...
if moose rock, and Jesus made moose, then Jesus rocks.
so yay!!!!
and just because i have to...
if moose rock, and Jesus made moose, then Jesus rocks.
see you tomorrow!!!
7:00 am in apt #104
At 7:00 this morning, there was an alarm clock war. My alarm went off (and I hit the snooze button) and at the same time Robert's alarm clock went off as well. He let it ring, and ring, and ring, and ring. Finally the alarm clock turned off just because it was programed to turn off if no one did anything after a minute of ringing. My alarm clock went off another two times (I like the snooze button, leave me alone) and Robert still had yet to wake up. I got ready, all with the bedroom door open (because I know that if I didn't do that, that my room would be freezing cold, we have bad circulation in the apartment).
At around 7:40, when I was about to leave the apartment and putting on my shoes and Robert started to stir. After a few mumbles and grumbles, he finally was able to check the clock. As he did that, he sort of flipped out. We'll try to replay the conversation.
"Did my alarm clcok go off?"
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
"Because you were asleep."
"Well, if my alarrm clock ever goes off and I don't wake up, you can wake me up."
Yes Robert, I COULD wake you up, but I'm not your mother. You go to sleep at 12:00 at the very latest, but you're normally asleep by 11:00, if you can't wake yourself up, then it's your own fault. You're 21 years old, you can wake up yourself. You went on a mission for two years and had to wake up at 6:30 every day. That means that you have two years of experience of getting up BEFORE 7:00 so I think you can get up when you need to.
I'll admit, had my roomate been Brandon or someone else that I have slightly more respect for, then I would try to understand and even help them out a bit. Had it been anyone else I would understand sleeping through their alarm clock and would help out. However, because it's Robert I don't really have too much pitty on him.
At around 7:40, when I was about to leave the apartment and putting on my shoes and Robert started to stir. After a few mumbles and grumbles, he finally was able to check the clock. As he did that, he sort of flipped out. We'll try to replay the conversation.
"Did my alarm clcok go off?"
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
"Because you were asleep."
"Well, if my alarrm clock ever goes off and I don't wake up, you can wake me up."
Yes Robert, I COULD wake you up, but I'm not your mother. You go to sleep at 12:00 at the very latest, but you're normally asleep by 11:00, if you can't wake yourself up, then it's your own fault. You're 21 years old, you can wake up yourself. You went on a mission for two years and had to wake up at 6:30 every day. That means that you have two years of experience of getting up BEFORE 7:00 so I think you can get up when you need to.
I'll admit, had my roomate been Brandon or someone else that I have slightly more respect for, then I would try to understand and even help them out a bit. Had it been anyone else I would understand sleeping through their alarm clock and would help out. However, because it's Robert I don't really have too much pitty on him.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
goodness gracious
Man o Man, it has only been the first day and I have already heard my fair share of crazy! Why is it that people sitting in the desks in class feel the need to talk more than the teacher and about topics that have nothing to do with what we are learning! I paid to hear the teacher talk, not you. I dont acer that your plant died while you were out of town or that you flooded your backyard one summer and had slip and slide contests. I dont know what that had to do with biology, but maybe they had those crazy adam brain connections that we couldnt see but still it is just crazy.
Oh get this, they replaced all the computers in the computer lab, where did all the perfectly good other ones go? and why cant one be in my house? oh in other interesting news, I signed up for institute classes because BYU has the lovely insitute recommend too so I figured I should take the classes too :) I have had a busy morning
Gotta go to work, talk to you later!
Oh get this, they replaced all the computers in the computer lab, where did all the perfectly good other ones go? and why cant one be in my house? oh in other interesting news, I signed up for institute classes because BYU has the lovely insitute recommend too so I figured I should take the classes too :) I have had a busy morning
Gotta go to work, talk to you later!
Monday, January 21, 2008
you and your skillz
I dont know how in the world you discover taco art but it is indeed a skill. and that website has now been added to my favorites :)
but on to ther fun news on this monday. I recieved a text message this morning that my friend we all know and love, ms jocelyn, has decided that today she is going to get another piercing. Well one might say, "Jocelyn you already have 7 ear peircings and your belly button, what next?" I know what youre thinking, why would anyone want to pierce anywhere else on their body, well there is one more 'popular' place for piercings...and yes it is where you think it is. the best part is that she invited me to go with her so i could watch. i passed on that amazing oppurtunity. it just makes me think about when you hear people say that they have that certain area pierced, wholesome girls dont exactly pop into your mind.
gotta love growing up in las vegas.
but on to ther fun news on this monday. I recieved a text message this morning that my friend we all know and love, ms jocelyn, has decided that today she is going to get another piercing. Well one might say, "Jocelyn you already have 7 ear peircings and your belly button, what next?" I know what youre thinking, why would anyone want to pierce anywhere else on their body, well there is one more 'popular' place for piercings...and yes it is where you think it is. the best part is that she invited me to go with her so i could watch. i passed on that amazing oppurtunity. it just makes me think about when you hear people say that they have that certain area pierced, wholesome girls dont exactly pop into your mind.
gotta love growing up in las vegas.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Robert. . . on his girlfriend
In true form, and in all of my blogs, I type while my roomate is on his phone talking about or with his girlfriend, today's topic is him talking about his girlfriend TO HIS MOM!!!
"She's really cute and she's tall. . . "
Aparently her name is Elise, and she can always find the good in people, how that she's not critical. (He said that she's kind and not critical about 5 times, each time stressing it a bit more, I think he was trying to hint towards me who was sitting right there in the room, but I'll just assume that he wasn't).
He just asked his mom, "How late have you ever stayed up?" and then quickly followed up with a "So what sort of games do you play that late at night?"
The more I listen the more I hope that this isn't his mom, but the only problem is, is that he doesn't have any other female people in his life besides his mom and then his girlfriend. So how would that work out? It's just a little interesting because he talks to his mom NOT like his mom, it's more like a friend, and they seem to talk about WHATEVER. It's just a little weird.
By the way, he left his WelsFargo bank account on his computer (they're currently discussing it right now and he's trying to figgure out all of his expences) and if he ever says that he's broke or even close to broke, I'll hurt him. . .
"I LOVE YOU. It's so nice to hear your voice. And tell Dad that I love him too, and give him a kiss if you want from me as well. . ."
Back to the rant about his bank acount. I looked on his screen while he was out of the room, he has over 3,000 in savings alone. I think the total that I saw with checking and savings was about 5,000. If he EVER says that he's broke, he's going to die. This kid doesn't know what it means when referencing 'broke'.
Now onto that little quote of his about kissing his dad and how much he loves his mom. I'm not one to judge, but that's just a little too much. That kid needs some help.
"I went out on a date with Elise last night, and that was . . . really nice, REALLY nice"
Now he's talking to his older sister by the way, but still that's a little disturbing having a discussion with your sister about the date that you went on.
"And then we went over to her house and just talked and then *mufled noise/sigh* . . . yeah"
"we try to only get together only a few times a week otherwise I'll think about her all the time. I already think about her enough, so if we saw each other any more, I wouldn't be able to do any school work"
"did you like her though when she came to the family party?" WHAT YOU ALREADY SHOWED HER OFF TO THE FAMILY!?!?!?!? Now that's a little too much. I feel a little sorry for this girl. I almost want to sit her down and give her a good warning. She really does need to spend some time with Robert or else she's going to hate her life real soon. That's the danger to all of this. If Robert pushes things really fast, he could get married without the girl ever knowing that he's a complete idiot. THIS is why people should wait some good time between meeting a person and getting engaged, so you can find out if they're idiots or not. Given, that there is such a thing as too long, however, the problem comes when people meet each other, date a few times each week and never really interact with each other, and then get married. This is a problem because while dating guys are on their best behaviors and girls are also really playing nice and everyone gets false perceptions about the other person. This leads to what Robert's girlfriend is currently going to have to deal with.
Poor Elise, I feel sorry for her, even though I've never met the woman.
"She's really cute and she's tall. . . "
Aparently her name is Elise, and she can always find the good in people, how that she's not critical. (He said that she's kind and not critical about 5 times, each time stressing it a bit more, I think he was trying to hint towards me who was sitting right there in the room, but I'll just assume that he wasn't).
He just asked his mom, "How late have you ever stayed up?" and then quickly followed up with a "So what sort of games do you play that late at night?"
The more I listen the more I hope that this isn't his mom, but the only problem is, is that he doesn't have any other female people in his life besides his mom and then his girlfriend. So how would that work out? It's just a little interesting because he talks to his mom NOT like his mom, it's more like a friend, and they seem to talk about WHATEVER. It's just a little weird.
By the way, he left his WelsFargo bank account on his computer (they're currently discussing it right now and he's trying to figgure out all of his expences) and if he ever says that he's broke or even close to broke, I'll hurt him. . .
"I LOVE YOU. It's so nice to hear your voice. And tell Dad that I love him too, and give him a kiss if you want from me as well. . ."
Back to the rant about his bank acount. I looked on his screen while he was out of the room, he has over 3,000 in savings alone. I think the total that I saw with checking and savings was about 5,000. If he EVER says that he's broke, he's going to die. This kid doesn't know what it means when referencing 'broke'.
Now onto that little quote of his about kissing his dad and how much he loves his mom. I'm not one to judge, but that's just a little too much. That kid needs some help.
"I went out on a date with Elise last night, and that was . . . really nice, REALLY nice"
Now he's talking to his older sister by the way, but still that's a little disturbing having a discussion with your sister about the date that you went on.
"And then we went over to her house and just talked and then *mufled noise/sigh* . . . yeah"
"we try to only get together only a few times a week otherwise I'll think about her all the time. I already think about her enough, so if we saw each other any more, I wouldn't be able to do any school work"
"did you like her though when she came to the family party?" WHAT YOU ALREADY SHOWED HER OFF TO THE FAMILY!?!?!?!? Now that's a little too much. I feel a little sorry for this girl. I almost want to sit her down and give her a good warning. She really does need to spend some time with Robert or else she's going to hate her life real soon. That's the danger to all of this. If Robert pushes things really fast, he could get married without the girl ever knowing that he's a complete idiot. THIS is why people should wait some good time between meeting a person and getting engaged, so you can find out if they're idiots or not. Given, that there is such a thing as too long, however, the problem comes when people meet each other, date a few times each week and never really interact with each other, and then get married. This is a problem because while dating guys are on their best behaviors and girls are also really playing nice and everyone gets false perceptions about the other person. This leads to what Robert's girlfriend is currently going to have to deal with.
Poor Elise, I feel sorry for her, even though I've never met the woman.
Sites That Must Be Seen At Least Once
Friday, January 18, 2008
Well. . . after that we need something to make us laugh
Now that that's over with, something to make us laugh a bit. Enjoy.
If you didn't laugh, I'll put up some Katt Williams. Sooner or later life will not be as serious as it currently is.
If you didn't laugh, I'll put up some Katt Williams. Sooner or later life will not be as serious as it currently is.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Update on Robert
As I sit here and read my reading assignments for my sociology class, I notice that for once Robert is quiet and he's not doing much of anything except for staring at his computer screen. This obviously draws my attention to what in the world he is looking at in the rare hopes that it could be something interesting.
It's been almost a half hour now, and he still hasn't moved from that spot.
What has he been slowly clicking through in solem rememberance?
Missionary photos.
Shoot me now.
It's been almost a half hour now, and he still hasn't moved from that spot.
What has he been slowly clicking through in solem rememberance?
Missionary photos.
Shoot me now.
the other fatkid's 7 steps
step one -
step two -
step three - (this one strictly for the name of it)
step four -
step five -
step six-
step seven-
those are my seven, and they are amazing!!
step two -
step three - (this one strictly for the name of it)
step four -
step five -
step six-
step seven-
those are my seven, and they are amazing!!
7 degrees of youtube. . .
Step one -
Step two-
Step three- (this is the one that I think is a little gross)
Step four-
Step five-
Step six-
Step seven-
For those of you who don't know, you start out with a video that you know and love, you then find the related video function and hit a video, that'll be step two. From there you hit another related video and work from there, all the way up until step seven, and you see just what you're related to in seven steps.
Step two-
Step three- (this is the one that I think is a little gross)
Step four-
Step five-
Step six-
Step seven-
For those of you who don't know, you start out with a video that you know and love, you then find the related video function and hit a video, that'll be step two. From there you hit another related video and work from there, all the way up until step seven, and you see just what you're related to in seven steps.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Hello, welcome to Sweden. How may I help your insanity?
So, in scandinavia there is a nifty little game called Innebandy. The closest thing that you can compare it to is indoor hockey. SO. . . you give some crazy Swedish kids some time, and some film, and you get a film like this. . .
Friday, January 11, 2008
funny times
ok this guy, i love the way this guys talks. and the joke about contact lenses is amazing. :)
and just for you.... this is becuase stupidity should hurt
and just for you.... this is becuase stupidity should hurt
so there was a lovely marathon of So You Think You Can Dance last night after we got off the phone and this guy was on, it is pretty much amazing :) thought i would share with you
talk to you later tonight
so there was a lovely marathon of So You Think You Can Dance last night after we got off the phone and this guy was on, it is pretty much amazing :) thought i would share with you
talk to you later tonight
Monday, January 7, 2008
New glowsticking video
I know that you're not a big fan of me randomly showing you videos, but this is my most recent video that I've watched about 20 times just today.
Stupid teachers
Okay, so I have a class that was suppose to start at 9:00, it's currently 9:30. I left because the teacher wasn't there. On the first day of class and she wasn't there. I just checked my email and AN HOUR AGO!!! she wrote this,
"We will be starting English 251 on Wednesday instead of today."
I was in class at 8:30, I don't check my email every ten minutes.
Really what did she want from us? That just makes me upset that she canceled class 30 minutes before it even started. She better have a good excuse for pulling something like that on the very first day of class.
As for the Alpha to Omega thing, I learned that the greek alphabet has one less letter than us, so I'm taking out ??? who use to be Q and not worrying about his stupid head. Thanks for putting that up, now I just have to start working on it again.
"We will be starting English 251 on Wednesday instead of today."
I was in class at 8:30, I don't check my email every ten minutes.
Really what did she want from us? That just makes me upset that she canceled class 30 minutes before it even started. She better have a good excuse for pulling something like that on the very first day of class.
As for the Alpha to Omega thing, I learned that the greek alphabet has one less letter than us, so I'm taking out ??? who use to be Q and not worrying about his stupid head. Thanks for putting that up, now I just have to start working on it again.
Dear John Commerical
I FOUND IT!!! you know what i was rambling about earlier, the commercial, i found it, yay! i feel like i accomplished something today
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Icy, you have some new competition
When I get bored I google myself.
I'll admit to it. You know that you've all done it! I just have the balls to admit to it.
While googling myself, I ran into this website.
Icy, you now have a challenger for being my stalker. This kid, whoever he is, has for some stupid reason or another, put me as his "Hero" right next to greats such as Yuta, Nick and Kael.
Crazy internet stalkers.
I'll admit to it. You know that you've all done it! I just have the balls to admit to it.
While googling myself, I ran into this website.
Icy, you now have a challenger for being my stalker. This kid, whoever he is, has for some stupid reason or another, put me as his "Hero" right next to greats such as Yuta, Nick and Kael.
Crazy internet stalkers.
I know that you are coming back up sometime soon, but just for my sanity in trying to make this story line work together. Could you please fill in the blanks? I can remember some of these, but I can't remember all of them, thanks.
Alpha- John (this one says Zenif in the book)
Beta- Malbro
Gamma- Bane
Delta- Adrillf
Epsilon -Jack
Zeta - Kryton
Eta - Aaron
Theta - Treckoleen/Trequleen/Treakoleen
Iota -Trip
Kappa -Bethany
Lambda -Johnathan
Mu -Thomas
Nu -Steven
Xi -Megan!
Omicron -Jessica
Pi -William
Rho -???
Sigma -Enigma
Tau -Angel
Upsilon -Sam
Phi -Frelion
Chi- Bethany (wyatt what it says in the book)
Psi- Pyra
Omega - Promo
and then Logan is left over and i'm not sure where he falls into, I think i did this right let me know if it doesnt look right
Alpha- John (this one says Zenif in the book)
Beta- Malbro
Gamma- Bane
Delta- Adrillf
Epsilon -Jack
Zeta - Kryton
Eta - Aaron
Theta - Treckoleen/Trequleen/Treakoleen
Iota -Trip
Kappa -Bethany
Lambda -Johnathan
Mu -Thomas
Nu -Steven
Xi -Megan!
Omicron -Jessica
Pi -William
Rho -???
Sigma -Enigma
Tau -Angel
Upsilon -Sam
Phi -Frelion
Chi- Bethany (wyatt what it says in the book)
Psi- Pyra
Omega - Promo
and then Logan is left over and i'm not sure where he falls into, I think i did this right let me know if it doesnt look right
Herpes-fest, one word or two?
oh my goodness!!!!!!! they are going to have another season on Herpes-Fest!!! I dont even know what to do, i think i might go throw up now......
when will the writers strike end so we dont have to suffer through this anymore!!!!
MTV Orders Another Round of Tequila
By Natalie Finn
Thu Jan 3, 12:43 AM PST
Ladies and gentlemen, A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila can still be yours.
MTV has ordered up another 10 episodes of the hit bisexual dating show, in which another 16 men and women will vie for the heart of self-made celebrity Tila Tequila.
The Dec. 17 first-season finale scored the cable network its largest audience ever for an original series, and the pioneering show has also spawned a spinoff, That's Amore!, featuring Shot at Love also-ran Domenico Nesci, that will premiere in the spring behind new episodes of its predecessor.
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We help accomplished talent - musicians, actors, models, comedians, filmmakers and more gain support and worldwide exposure. Designed for talent, industry and fans. Sign up today, it's free.
The TV Decoder Blog's Brian Stelter looks at the business of television.
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Um, but didn't somebody win that first season?
Tequila, still the "baddest bitch on the block," according to her MySpace profile, gave Bobby Banhart a shot at love, but apparently things went wrong recently and the once smitten fella broke up with her.
"I wasn't expecting it at all, because I thought I had finally found someone I was compatible with...I guess I was wrong," Tequila, whose real last name is Nguyen, wrote Tuesday on her MySpace blog.
"My hectic schedule was really hard on him, and we both were getting frustrated, but at the same time…I just wanted to find someone who would understand what a crazy lifestyle I have, so it's too bad things didn't work out between us. With that said, I just want to make it known that I still think Bobby is a great guy, and I wish him the best."
But perhaps their breakup didn't come as that much of a surprise to the MySpace queen, who is known for being the most popular gal on the social-networking site.
After picking Bobby, Tequila explained to her bummed fans that she couldn't pick runner-up Dani because the two ladies had become "SOOOO close" she didn't want to ruin such a great friendship.
"You know, usually on these type of dating reality shows, things never tend to work out in the end because it gets all weird and awkward between 2 lovers...and so that is why I did not choose Dani as my lover, but as my closest friend. This way we would never have to 'END' things between us," she said.
Banhart, however, put another spin on their brief pairing entirely.
"She never called me after the last show, and no one would give me her number," the 25-year-old film student wrote on MySpace.
when will the writers strike end so we dont have to suffer through this anymore!!!!
MTV Orders Another Round of Tequila
By Natalie Finn
Thu Jan 3, 12:43 AM PST
Ladies and gentlemen, A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila can still be yours.
MTV has ordered up another 10 episodes of the hit bisexual dating show, in which another 16 men and women will vie for the heart of self-made celebrity Tila Tequila.
The Dec. 17 first-season finale scored the cable network its largest audience ever for an original series, and the pioneering show has also spawned a spinoff, That's Amore!, featuring Shot at Love also-ran Domenico Nesci, that will premiere in the spring behind new episodes of its predecessor.
Email This Story IM This Story Print This Story
We help accomplished talent - musicians, actors, models, comedians, filmmakers and more gain support and worldwide exposure. Designed for talent, industry and fans. Sign up today, it's free.
The TV Decoder Blog's Brian Stelter looks at the business of television.
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Watch over 2,000 channels of TV on your PC. One time fee of $49.95.
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Get over 3000 stations on your PC for a small 49.95$ one time fee !
Um, but didn't somebody win that first season?
Tequila, still the "baddest bitch on the block," according to her MySpace profile, gave Bobby Banhart a shot at love, but apparently things went wrong recently and the once smitten fella broke up with her.
"I wasn't expecting it at all, because I thought I had finally found someone I was compatible with...I guess I was wrong," Tequila, whose real last name is Nguyen, wrote Tuesday on her MySpace blog.
"My hectic schedule was really hard on him, and we both were getting frustrated, but at the same time…I just wanted to find someone who would understand what a crazy lifestyle I have, so it's too bad things didn't work out between us. With that said, I just want to make it known that I still think Bobby is a great guy, and I wish him the best."
But perhaps their breakup didn't come as that much of a surprise to the MySpace queen, who is known for being the most popular gal on the social-networking site.
After picking Bobby, Tequila explained to her bummed fans that she couldn't pick runner-up Dani because the two ladies had become "SOOOO close" she didn't want to ruin such a great friendship.
"You know, usually on these type of dating reality shows, things never tend to work out in the end because it gets all weird and awkward between 2 lovers...and so that is why I did not choose Dani as my lover, but as my closest friend. This way we would never have to 'END' things between us," she said.
Banhart, however, put another spin on their brief pairing entirely.
"She never called me after the last show, and no one would give me her number," the 25-year-old film student wrote on MySpace.
Crazy BYU reunions
Aparently, when guys who haven't seen each other in two years, who hardly even hung out during their time together (which was two years ago) see each other for the first time in TWO YEARS they like to hang out, talk about the 'good old days' (which never quite happened because we never were even in the same room together for more than an hour), and give really strange awkward man-hugs to each other.
Really, I could have gone without today. Today was fun filled with people from my freshman wrad (Which I never hung out with or even tried to socialize with) saying things like, "Uh. . . hi. . (trying to find my name in the back of their heads and not finding it) it's been a long time. How are you doing?"
I swear, I'm punching the next guy that tries to give me a hug and act like we were best friends. I'm okay with random strangers giving me hugs, I hang out with hippies from time to time, so that doesn't bother me too much. It's the awkward hugs plus the fact that they try to act as if we know each other. Yeah, sure, I lived on the same floor as them freshman year, but past that, we never even talked to each other, let alone get to know each other.
It's just a little frustrating that people that I hardly know ate up quite a bit of time today. It still boggles my mind why people would even be willing to do that. Talk to a person that they hardly knew from two years ago, and act as if it was only a few months sience we last saw each other and hung out.
BYU is a crazy little world.
In funny news and anouncements, Robert started to ask me all of the 'trying to start a conversation' questions today, and as always, I sort of blew him off. He tried to ask me things like, "What was the best part of your Christmas break? Did anything cool happen to you during Christmas break?" and then he even threw out the desperate messure to go as far as, "Is there anything that you want to talk about from your Christmas break?"
No Robert. Not really. At least not with you.
I'd almost be tempted to talk to the kid because he's trying so hard, the only problem is that I know that if I gave it a shot, I'd quickly regret my decision to be nice. It's true, the kid is trying, and ever so slowly he is changing (tonight he stayed up late, he went to sleep at 11:30). However, just from the simple reaction that he had when he asked me about the best part of my break and I said "the past week" he followed up with the obvious question of "why?" and I gave the obvious response of, "because I didn't have to be with my family" and then he laughed at me as if that was one of the best jokes that he had ever heard.
If he can't accept simple things like I just don't get along at all with my parents, and not comprehend that, there's not a chance that I'm letting him into things with my life that actually take some brain processing. He just thinks that I'm being funny when I talk about how much I don't get along with my parents, he didn't even hint towards me being serious when I said that.
I think that might be the problem. The kid always thinks that I'm joking around, just because my life is almost completly opposite of his. I had to fight to be here, I have to pay my own way, I don't like my family, I didn't live in Utah, I don't have mormon friends, I am the minority when I go home, and in general, I go against everything that he so pasionatly holds close to him, so he thinks that it's a joke. When a person can't take you serious, there's no real point in even trying to have a conversation with them.
Side note: Today Robert was talking with some girls that were over at the apartment and he mentioned about how that I was a good writer. I mumbled under my breath that he hasn't read a single thing that I've written. He heard me mumble, asked me what I said, I said it louder, and he agreed saying that the only thing that he had read of mine was an essay of mine (keep in mind that this is the essay that he read behind my back) I simply mentioned that on that paper I got a C on that essay that he thought was so good and he pretty much said that, that just showed how much he didn't know about writing. So, let's get everything straight here. The kid says that I'm a good writer, but then turns around and says that he doesn't know what good writing is. Does anyone have a problem with that logic besides myself? Really, something seems wrong with that.
By the way, I didn't make it into that class, but hey, it was worth a shot.
Really, I could have gone without today. Today was fun filled with people from my freshman wrad (Which I never hung out with or even tried to socialize with) saying things like, "Uh. . . hi. . (trying to find my name in the back of their heads and not finding it) it's been a long time. How are you doing?"
I swear, I'm punching the next guy that tries to give me a hug and act like we were best friends. I'm okay with random strangers giving me hugs, I hang out with hippies from time to time, so that doesn't bother me too much. It's the awkward hugs plus the fact that they try to act as if we know each other. Yeah, sure, I lived on the same floor as them freshman year, but past that, we never even talked to each other, let alone get to know each other.
It's just a little frustrating that people that I hardly know ate up quite a bit of time today. It still boggles my mind why people would even be willing to do that. Talk to a person that they hardly knew from two years ago, and act as if it was only a few months sience we last saw each other and hung out.
BYU is a crazy little world.
In funny news and anouncements, Robert started to ask me all of the 'trying to start a conversation' questions today, and as always, I sort of blew him off. He tried to ask me things like, "What was the best part of your Christmas break? Did anything cool happen to you during Christmas break?" and then he even threw out the desperate messure to go as far as, "Is there anything that you want to talk about from your Christmas break?"
No Robert. Not really. At least not with you.
I'd almost be tempted to talk to the kid because he's trying so hard, the only problem is that I know that if I gave it a shot, I'd quickly regret my decision to be nice. It's true, the kid is trying, and ever so slowly he is changing (tonight he stayed up late, he went to sleep at 11:30). However, just from the simple reaction that he had when he asked me about the best part of my break and I said "the past week" he followed up with the obvious question of "why?" and I gave the obvious response of, "because I didn't have to be with my family" and then he laughed at me as if that was one of the best jokes that he had ever heard.
If he can't accept simple things like I just don't get along at all with my parents, and not comprehend that, there's not a chance that I'm letting him into things with my life that actually take some brain processing. He just thinks that I'm being funny when I talk about how much I don't get along with my parents, he didn't even hint towards me being serious when I said that.
I think that might be the problem. The kid always thinks that I'm joking around, just because my life is almost completly opposite of his. I had to fight to be here, I have to pay my own way, I don't like my family, I didn't live in Utah, I don't have mormon friends, I am the minority when I go home, and in general, I go against everything that he so pasionatly holds close to him, so he thinks that it's a joke. When a person can't take you serious, there's no real point in even trying to have a conversation with them.
Side note: Today Robert was talking with some girls that were over at the apartment and he mentioned about how that I was a good writer. I mumbled under my breath that he hasn't read a single thing that I've written. He heard me mumble, asked me what I said, I said it louder, and he agreed saying that the only thing that he had read of mine was an essay of mine (keep in mind that this is the essay that he read behind my back) I simply mentioned that on that paper I got a C on that essay that he thought was so good and he pretty much said that, that just showed how much he didn't know about writing. So, let's get everything straight here. The kid says that I'm a good writer, but then turns around and says that he doesn't know what good writing is. Does anyone have a problem with that logic besides myself? Really, something seems wrong with that.
By the way, I didn't make it into that class, but hey, it was worth a shot.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
The play
Red vs. blue season 3
around the 32 min mark. . .
around the 32 min mark. . .
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