LVPD kudo points for you.
Plus, who can forget the fact that COPS was filmed in Vegas for a few episodes. That's actually where the first picture comes from it's a screen shot from one of the COPS eppisodes that was in Las Vegas.
I wonder what it would look like if COPS followed other police.That's a possibility.
Don't get me wrong, I love the police. Just police that make me safe. Yet again, LVPD, keep going, we love you. Without you Las Vegas would be a crazy place. I can't say that about all police in the world, but for you LVPD, you've earned my respect. For those that have to work for their keep, I'll be more than willing to support you, pay taxes and honor you whenever I can. For those that sit around and are simply trying to find a reason to leave the office because they have nothing else better to do, not so much.
Ha det sa bra polisen.
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