Monday, December 31, 2007

dont rob me, i dont have anything good

7055 east lake mead blvd #1001
las vegas, nv

i want journals and i want them now! :)

Friday, December 28, 2007

human slinky

Red vs Blue QUOTES!!

Now for all of your Caboose Quotes that you want. . .

Lyrics for La vie Boheme

Who died?
Our Akita
You make fun - yet I'm the one
Attempting to do some good
Or do you really want a neighborhood
Where people piss on your
Stoop every night?
Bohemia, Bohemia's
A fallacy in your head
This is Calcutta,
Bohemia is dead
Dearly beloved we gather here to say our goodbyes
Dies irae - dies illa, Kyrie eleison
Yitgadal v'yitkadash
Here she lies, no one knew her worth
The late great daughter of Mother Earth
On these nights when we
Celebrate the birth
In that little town of Bethlehem
We raise our glass - you bet your ass to -
La vie Boheme
La vie Boheme
La vie Boheme
La vie Boheme
La vie Boheme
To days of inspiration
Playing hookey, making
Something out of nothing
The need to express-
To communicate,
To going against the grain,
Going insane, going mad
To loving tension, no pension
To more than one dimension,
To starving for attention,
Hating convention, hating pretension
Not to mention of course,
Hating dear old Mom and Dad
To riding your bike,
Midday past the three-piece suits
To fruits - to no absolutes-
To Absolute - to choice-
To the Village Voice-
To any passing fad
To being an us for once ... instead of a them!!
La vie Boheme, La vie Boheme
Hey Mister - she's my sister
So that's five miso soup, four seaweed salad
Three soy burger dinner, two tofu dog platter
And one pasta with meatless balls
It tastes the same
If you close your eyes
And thirteen orders of fries
Is that it here?
Wine and beer!
To hand-crafted beers
Made in local breweries
To yoga, to yogurt, to rice and beans and cheese
To leather, to dildoes, to curry vindaloo
To huevos rancheros and Maya Angelou
Emotion, devotion, to causing a commotion
Creation, vacation
Mucho masturbation
Compassion, to fashion, to passion when it's new
To Sontag
To Sondheim
To anything taboo
Ginsberg, Dylan Cunnigham and Cage,
Lenny Bruse
Langston Hughes
To the stage
To Uta. To Buddha. Pablo Neruda, too.
Why Dorothy and Toto went over the rainbow
To blow off Auntie Em
La vie Boheme
We're close
Bisexuals, trisexuals, homo sapiens,
Carcinogens, hallucinogens, men,
Pee Wee Herman
German wine, turpetine, Gertrude Stein
Antoniotti, Bertolucci, Kurosawa
Carmina Burana
To apathy, to entropy, to empathy, ecstacy
Vaclav Havel - The Sex Pistols, 8BC
To no shame - never playing the Fame Game
To marijuana
To sodomy, it's between God and me
To S & M
Waiter ... Waiter ... Waiter ....... Waiter!
La vie Boheme
In honor of the death of Bohemia an impromptu salon
will commence immediately following dinner ...
Maureen Johnson, just
back from her spectacular one-night engagement at the eleventh street lot,
will perform Native American tribal chants
backwards through her vocoder, while accompanying herself on the electric cello -
which she ain't never studied.
And Mark Cohen will preview his new documentary about his inability
to hold an erection on the high holy days.
And Mimi Marquez, clad only in bubble wrap,
will perform her famous lawn chair-handcuff dance to the sounds of iced tea
being stirred.
And Roger will attempt to write a bittersweet, evocative song.
That doesn't remind us of "Musetta's Waltz!"
Angel Dumott Schunard will model the latest fall fashions
from Paris while accompanying herself on the 10 gallon plastic pickle tub.
And Collins will recount his exploits as anarchist -
including the tale of the successful reprogramming of the M.I.T.
virtual reality equipment to self-destruct, as it broadcasts the words
"Actual reality - Act Up - Fight AIDS"
Excuse me - did I do something wrong?
I get invited - then ignored all night long
I've been trying - I'm not lying
No one's perfect. I've got baggage
Life's too short, babe, time is flying
I'm looking for baggage that goes with mine
I should tell you
I got baggage too
I should tell you
Wine and beer!
AZT break
Me. You?

i'm sick

alicia woke up sick today
alicia cant breathe
alicia feels like poo

adam, you are no longer allowed to watch movies alone, especially ones that have anyone dying because we all know you arent allowed to die anyway.Even if you did die, i would just say a whole mess of things that no one would understand anyway, then i would yell at you for dying, scaring everyone else in the room. No way youre winning the race.


That show is always worth watching, La Vive Boheme is always up on my favorite musical moments list however Angel's funeral always makes me think. Pretty much any funeral scene where people start talking about the dead person. We all know that they're not going to say anything bad, but there deffinatley is a difference between "He was . . . nice. . . " and what Angel gets in Rent.

It makes me wonder. Besides the other owner of this blog, would anyone have anything to say about me? If there is another person out there that could honestly say something besides, "He was. . . nice" what would they even say? This is why I'm not allowed to watch or read anything dealing with death, because I get all morbid.

"I was going to this warm bright light, and I saw Angel. . . AND SHE LOOKED GOOD!"

Movies like this make me think too much and that's never a good thing.

By the way, this youtube clip will be showed to Robert, and I don't plan on explaining a single point that he doesn't understand, like Jo-anne or Angel. I always liked that song, but with that video it's tempting to make that my theme song.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Once upon a time. . .

One upon a time I had a brother in law who wrote a book.

This book was a text book and cost losts of monies to buy.

This book nomrally cost 130 dollars, but then got discounted down to 80.

Then along came a woman who bought 3 coppies. That's right, 3. One for herself, one for her best friend, and then one for her son. (that's $240 worth of books)

That's right. My mom who is trying to pull off this whole 'frugal' thing, just got 3 of those books.

This only gives me hope in the lines of me getting 3 coppies of my book (when it gets published) sold.

Swedish Tradition

Okay, so every Christmas every family watches a Disney christmas presentation, and it's the same every year. This is my favorite.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!


so are you still coming over? or are they going to ban you from hanging out with me, so stupid!!!

i liked my status as the pity friend, now it is being revoked, i never got the memo, i never authorized this change!

Hey Ya!

WARNING: Alicia, I just told my parents that I'd be comign over to watch a show and my mom has changed her mind about you. You are now back on the 'I think she has feelings for you' list. You've dropped back to your old location where she thinks that you're trying to steal me away instead of trying to just hang out with me because you're my pity friend.

Edit: This just in: "Just beware that she really likes you" -mom
directly followed by my dad- "Alot"

They then tag teamed on me and started asking if I was 'serious' with you, and how that girls are different than boys and that I need to be careful around you because you're just trying to get married, loose your life, and have millions of kids.

Well, maybe not that last part, but you get the drift of it.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


download the most recent version, search for whatever you want, and join me in the room

you thought your christmas was bad...

ok so here's me and mom's attempt at a gingerbread house, you will notice that one side of the roof is off center and the rather large mess around the house, lets just say by the end of these whole thing, i had frosting in my hair and i never want to do this again.

These are my two gingerbread people, they live in this condemned home, and you can see where the green peppermint is covering the large hole in the roof
thought you would enjoy :)

just because its christmas

Here's a laugh for Christmas :)
funny santa
funny santa and slay

Monday, December 24, 2007

Waist deep in a pile of . . .

For all of those that don't know this inside joke, don't worry, you're not meant to know.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Crazy News

I just did the math, even if I don't take the final, and I don't turn in the revised paper for my final class, I'll still squeak by with a 70%!

Knowing that no matter what you're going to pass a class, makes the final a whole lot less stressful.

See you in a few.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

In hopes of making your day happier and brighter

Okay, that video made me angry, so I needed something to make me funny. You don't have to watch all of it, but it sure makes me laugh.

I'll kill someone
I will kill someone

This got sent to me.

I watched the first 5 minutes and now I just want to throw my fist through a wall.

I'll say this right now, if anyone watches this and has and has questions. Please have an open mind, and be willing to talk to me. This is not true.

Quick clarification: Notice that these are 'former' members. They're former because they get kicked out the second they do any of the things that these people are claiming we do. Also, notice that the 'active' members of the church that they talk about are talking about the 'fundamentalist' church. That's like interviewing only the fundamental Muslims, and saying that all Muslims are like that. They are not members, they are not allowed to do this.

Tee Shirts That You Wish You Had

so you can have some fun in the dungeon

dedicated to the guys yesterday...
and just because it is amazing...

Friday, December 14, 2007


Well now that just sucks. In hopes that your life gets a little better, I've also attached a few good pictures in hopes of making your weekend a little happier and brighter.

stupid college and their stupid grades

i got a D in my math class :(

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Cobert. . .

Then just for kicks and giggles, a random little video that I ran across. . .

Then I talked about this, so here's an hour long video of the entire season one of Red Vs. Blue Enjoy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Saturday, December 8, 2007

my job = great photos

This poor kid, didnt even know he was the next victim, but he does have some mad skillz (thats right, its with a 'z') because he falls asleep in the weirdest places and positions

And as promised, the crazy things that happen at my job way too early in the morning

Thats right, its Santa Hood, Play on playa, Play on...

Thursday, December 6, 2007

dun dun DUN!!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

In case you forget how...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

you better learn or this is soooo over!!!

i found a new one!

I dont know how this fun websites find me, ok well this one jocelyn gave to me, so there, but still its the principal. This should provide atleast 45 seconds of entertainment :) Enjoy

And as for EDC, exciting! that is now going to be put in my planner, in ink, so its permanent, lets start planning :)It can be our anniversary trip, lol

After a sucky day, this is well deserved

By the way, EDC is June 28th. Close to our anniversary 8-}

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Big Red Button

I couldn't resist when I saw the picture

As soon as I saw that picture I knew that it had to become a poster, so I did my civic duty and made this one.

Other images

SNOW!!! Too bad that it's all melted now days, but still, it's SNOW!
So . . . during Thanksgiving we were playing Uno . . . BUT WE WERE ALSO COMPETING IN THE ANUAL WALTERS FAMILY THANKSGIVING OLYMPICS. With a write in competitor in the book balancing competition, with a winning time of one hour long.

What Spencer And Tamara Do When No One's Looking

this is how i feel at this very moment

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Monday, December 3, 2007

The other fat kids...

So I typed in our adress wrong and I got this....

it's scary


they changed the chairs in the computer lab from comfy broken-in chairs to these hard uncomfortable chairs. I think they are trying to tell us something...